I’m gliding in enthusiasm right now, not only because spring is finally here with the warm sun rays and the beautiful wild flowers…
But also because I was so thrilled to read answers to my email/newsletter from last week around the ebook I’m currently working on.
Thank you so much for your feedback, it was very helpful.
Gratitude is the path to fulfilment in all areas of life.
What we appreciate grows in value and we receive all kind of blessings and synchronicities around it.
So once again, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, to allow me to share my work with you.
To show you my appreciation for you being part of this, receive this virtual bouquet that the kids, my man and I gathered in the meadow near the forest, just for you 🙂
Remember to keep a grateful heart in your life, no matter the circumstances.
Do you find yourself comparing yourself to other and feeling depressed or discouraged? Feeling like your life is boring as a result? Then keep reading till the end. Strengthen your mindset.
Your relationships not only the people you spend most time with but also what you consume online through social media and your environment influence your mindset.
Nurture your support group to strengthen your mindset
Nurture your support group to strengthen your mindset
Your support group are the people who love you, they encourage you, they support you and also challenge you enough by inspiring you to investigate even deeper what you want and to stay on track with your dreams and goals.
Common sense has it that you’re the average of the 5 people you most spend time with.
Surround yourself with like minded people who believe in you and who believe that
your dream is possible, that
you are in the process of achieving your dream and your goals.
Staying engaged with your support group will strengthen your mindset
Talk to the people of your support group regularly, especially individually and tell them
what you’ve accomplished so far,
the challenges you’ve faced,
the challenges/setbacks you’re facing
what you want to do next and why, etc.
It’s even better when you have experts in your support group about the topics you’re interested about, but it’s not a prerequisite. Make sure to analyze any advice you receive though, because well intentinated people can give inadequate advice without being aware of it.
Utopia or sound Advice?
Have you heard about people suggesting or advising that you leave your current friends if they don’t support your dreams and goals and find new ones who do?
It’s utopia to only want one side, like only support without challenges or only success without failure.
While it’s wise to have friends that support your dreams and goals, I do not recommend that you cut out your current relationships just because they don’t support your goals. For two reasons:
1- life is both support and challenges, not only one side without the other, and so it is with your dreams and goals. They need both the support and challenges to expand.
The people who do not support your dreams and goals are necessary for you to be challenged and to go to your next level, or to study your plan and strategy more clearly in order to materialize those dreams and goals.
2- You might be the necessary catalyst in the life of those people who don’t support or understand your dreams, to inspire them to find their own dreams and fulfill them.
Focus your attention on materializing your own dreams and goals, use the objections of the Nay sayers to refine your strategy.
Make sure to build a strong support group around you to fuel your ambition with your dreams and goals while you listen to the challenges that come from the nay sayers around you and inspire them through exemplification from the momentum you create towards realizing your dreams and goals.
Don’t compare yourself to others = strong mindset
Okay, do you love to scroll social media in order to find inspiration? And then before you know it you feel the low and feel like your life is boring because you’re comparing yourself to others?
Do not compare yourself to others around you. Be it on social media or in real life, when you start comparing yourself to others, you’ll always find something you think you should have, be or do by now and feel negative feelings like envy or jealousy or competition.
First be aware of what has already be given to you in your life. Second admire and use as inspiration what you see in others. If you can see it in them, then it’s already in you in your own form. So use the things you admire as inspiration to awaken then in you as well.
It’s easy to feel like your life is boring in comparison to someone else’s. The thing is you never know what it’s really like to be in the shoes of the people you envy, what did they have to sacrifice to be where they are that you are not willing to sacrifice.
Like Emerson said
Envy is ignorance and Imitation is suicide – Emerson
You’re unique. So instead of comparing yourself to others, compare your own daily actions to your own biggest dreams and goals.
Instead of watching what others are doing , make sure that everyday, you do at least one thing that is bringing you closer to your dreams and goals.
Take action and stay focused and disciplined in following your own dreams and goals, and you’ll feel your energy levels getting higher and higher, because you’re fulfilling your own destiny..
Your dreams belong to your heart and you are exactly at this moment at the perfect place, with the perfect people, doing the perfect actions that will lead you to fulfill your destiny.
Your special gifts, unique to you, are needed in the world. So stay inspired and present on your journey to your biggest dreams and goals.
Visualization, affirmations and taking inspired focused action towards your goals and dreams.
Today we cover these and more as a mean to strengthen your mindset and materialize your dreams and goals.
Strengthen Your Mindset Part 2
Visualization, Affirmations and Inspired focused actions
3. Visualization and affirmations to strengthen your Mindset
Visualization: See with your mind’s eyes what you want to be, do and have, not only as an image, more like a movie. Find pictures and videos that inspire you, see yourself with what you want and feel the feelings it generates within you.
You can also create a mind movie like I learn by reading/listening to Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza. With images, video footages, music and phrases that inspire you. There are some inspiring mind movies on youtube, and I suppose the more personalized the better.
Your internal dialogue is what defines what you become. What you think and feel on a continual basis is what you’ll become.
So repeat to yourself in the present tense a belief you want to have and feel what it feels like.
NurtureBodyandsoul.com – Visualization and Affirmations to Strengthen Your Mindset
Whatever you want to accomplish, say to yourself that you can and give yourself permission to accomplish it.
Give yourself permission to accomplish the most extraordinary things that inspire YOU from within and know that you can. Set an action plan to back it up and trust.
The words you tell yourself are very powerful. If you repeat them with feelings and faith, you’ll start believing it. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, if you keep telling yourself the same things, your subconscious mind will believe it.
Make sure to intentionally choose what you repeat to yourself everyday. Make it even stronger with actions and feelings that are aligned to your affirmations.
Tip: Use a recorder app on your phone and read to yourself with feelings, your most inspiring affirmations. Add your favorite music in the background, may be an instrumental. Listen to this recording over and over again whenever you can.
For example listen to your affirmations when you go for a walk or to run in nature, or when you wait in the supermarket, when you take actions on your goals, when you cook, etc.
Feel the feelings of having it now: this is very powerful since our mind cannot differentiate what we imagine and what is happening in the outer world when we feel the feelings.
4. Taking inspired focused actions out of the comfort zone strengthen your mind
Your Action Plan: taking action starts with the planning. So take the time to plan your life, your dreams, your goals. Also take the time to plan your year, your month, your week and your day.
At the end of each day plan the next day in advance, and in the morning set your intention for the priority actions you want to accomplish that day.
Take action: You are co-creator in the process of bringing your dreams to life. To write down your dreams and goals is the first action after the thought process.
Taking action doesn’t necessary mean that you need to do the thing right away. Writing down is a form of taking action. Researching and learning is also part of taking action. Always keep learning in life.
Experimenting and failing and then experimenting some more all part of taking action. Until you perform greatly, and then there already something else/new you would love to learn to go to the next level and the whole process starts again.
Out of a comfort zone: Do everyday something that takes you out of your comfort zone. It might be something totally unrelated to your goal, like taking a cold shower in the morning or doing something you’re afraid of.
But since we’re in the context of materializing your dreams and goals, do something from you action plan that you know is important for you to achieve your goal, but you are uncomfortable or afraid to do it.
Courage: So take massive action with courage, persistence and consistency and at the same time don’t be too attached to the outcome. Do your best towards your dreams and goals, give it everything while taking care of yourself and your loved ones of course, then ‘Let Go and let GOD’.
Delegate what is distracting or what feels uninspiring to you. Is there someone else who can do this better than you? then delegate it to them.
The techniques above applied with focus, dedication and repetition with will help you break free from your limiting beliefs and transform your self image at the level of your subconcious mind. This will enable you to materialize your dreams and goals.
Next in the strengthen your mind mini-series we’ll be looking at the importance of your support group and creating winning habits to strengthen your mindset.
NurtureBodyandSoul.com – Strengthen Your Mindset To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals
The mind is a powerful instrument that we can use at our advantage to materialize our dreams and goals. The degree of fulfillment that you have in life highly depends on your mindset.
Each season of your life brings its own blessings and challenges. To adapt to your ever-changing circumstances be it in life or in business, a strong mindset is a invaluable asset.
This is part seven of The ‘Materialize Your Dreams and Goals’ Series by Ines Nangue from NurtureBodyandSoul.com
We’ll examine 8 ways to strengthen our mindset in order to materialize our dreams and goals. Let’s start with part 1, covering a balanced mind and gratitude, self care and exercise.
Strengthen Your Mindset Part 1
A Balanced Mind and Gratitude – Self-Care and Exercise
1. A Balanced Mind and gratitude for a Strong Mindset:
Being able to see that from a crisis blessings can emerge and also that from blessings crisis can begin is wisdom. It helps you keep a balanced mind and not get unstable between being elated and depressed. A balanced mind allows you to stay in equanimity, poised and present, no matter what happens in your life.
NurtureBodyandSoul.com – Start and finish each day with a grateful heart
Let’s kick start the mindset part of the materialize your dreams and goals series with this quote from Einstein:
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein
A grateful heart is a fulfilled heart. A Grateful heart allows us to see the hidden miracles and blessings in our life, and at the same time embrace and welcome the challenges and setbacks in our life, because armed with wisdom, we recognize that challenges are also blessings in disguise.
Each season in your life brings its own challenges and you might need to adjust your routines in order to adapt to your changing circumstances. Keep a grateful heart whatever you do.
NurtureBodyandSoul.com – Being Present On The Journey To Materialize Your Dreams And Goals
This is part three of the ‘Materialize Your Dreams and Goals’ Series by Ines Nangue from Nurture Body and Soul
Being Present To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals, Why?
Being in the present moment helps you not to worry about the future or regret the past: It is also called mindfulness. You put your attention solely in the present moment.
It calms your mind and helps your body to relax. It increases your energy.
In the context of materializing your dreams and goals, it helps you to set goals and not let the outcome determine your state of mind.
Have you ever felt frustrated or discouraged or sad and unhappy because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted after setting and working toward a goal?
Lasting happiness lies in the things we do on a daily basis. If we habituate our self to do inspiring things, to make healthy choices and to work on our main goals every day, then eventually we create a life and a destiny that we absolutely love.
“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” – John Dryden
The following 10 actions done daily can significantly improve our attitude, our mood, our focus, our relationships, boost our energy and make our purpose in life clearer. They can also help us maintain balance and bring us fulfillment in life.
These inspiring words of Mahatma Gandhi suggest to me that our habits which are sustained by our actions, do define our values which in turn shape our destiny.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.” — Mahatma Gandhi
So, if we work continuously on building great habits, then eventually, once established, those habits will start working for us in creating an amazing destiny.
Have you ever examined your life and felt that it was out of balance? May be you have many projects that you follow at the same time?
It happens to me more that I would like to admit. In fact, that is what has inspired me to write this blog post.
In the following, I will present five tips that have helped me in my attempt to get a fair degree of balance back in life.
1 – Set Priorities
Determine what is important to you in life and prioritize. Act according to your priorities, and delegate whenever possible.
Plan to finish what you start and limit the number of projects that you tackle at the same time. Since people have different capabilities, find your own threshold and keep it in mind when you plan.
Maybe 2 or 3 big projects weekly is a good start. It does not have to be the same weekly projects throughout the month or the year. You can alternate your focus on various projects on a weekly basis.Keep Reading
We can show our loyalty towards our friends directly in multiple ways. For example by caring, by being there in difficult times, by expressing our admiration of them to third party, etc…
But in certain situations, it is more difficult to demonstrate our loyalty, especially when our friends are not present.
Mary and Alice are friends. While they were catching up after a long time apart, Alice was explaining to Mary how Gabrielle, their common friend, has hurt her.
She was talking strongly about Gabrielle in a negative way, and Mary could sense, she was still deeply hurt from Gabrielle behavior. “I don’t want to talk to her anymore, and we are avoiding each other lately”, said Alice.Keep Reading