Tag Archives: health

6 Ways To Take Care of Your Body

Taking care of our body is a continuous process which keeps us fit, healthy and happy. We shouldn’t wait until we get sick before we slow down to take care of our body.

Let us start by being aware of our body right now. Be thankful that we are alive and that we live in our body and decide to take good care of it. Jim Rohn said:

” Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

To take good care of our body, we have to listen to it and consider the elements which are going to help the body feel good and renew itself: elements such as cultivating health-habits, water and nutrition, rest and sleep, exercise, fresh air, and I will add beautifying the superficial.Keep Reading

5 Tips To Create Balance in Your Life

Have you ever examined your life and felt that it was out of balance? May be you have many projects that you follow at the same time?
It happens to me more that I would like to admit. In fact, that is what has inspired me to write this blog post.
In the following, I will present five tips that have helped me in my attempt to get a fair degree of balance back in life.

1 – Set Priorities

Determine what is important to you in life and prioritize. Act according to your priorities, and delegate whenever possible.

Plan to finish what you start and limit the number of projects that you tackle at the same time. Since people have different capabilities, find your own threshold and keep it in mind when you plan.

Maybe 2 or 3 big projects weekly is a good start. It does not have to be the same weekly projects throughout the month or the year. You can alternate your focus on various projects on a weekly basis.Keep Reading