The mini series ‘Strengthen Your Mindset’ is part seven of The ‘Materialize Your Dreams and Goals’ Series by Inès Nangue from

Is your physical environment stressful? Do your daily and weekly habits and routines serve your dreams and goals?
So far in the mini series ‘Strengthen Your Mindset’ which is all about tips for a strong mindset materialize your dreams and goals, we’ve covered:
- Strengthen Your Mindset Part 1: A balanced mind and gratitude – Self-care and exercise
- Strengthen Your Mindset Part 2: Visualization, Affirmations and inspired focused actions
- Strengthen Your Mindset Part 3: Support group and not comparing yourself to others
Today we want to cover your physical environment and winning habits as they relate to mindset and there is a bonus too.
6- Your physical environment
Environment: your environment, where you live, where you work and also the people you interact with on a daily basis influences how you feel, how you think and act thus it influences your results.
If your environment is messy, it makes you feel overwhelmed. And you don’t want to deal with that mess so take time daily to tidy up your environment. It’s also a great skill to teach our children instead of always doing the tidy up for them.
On the other hand you feel inspired and motivated when you’re in a cleaned, organised and tidy environment, and your thoughts seems more organised as well.
People are drown to an orderly pleasant environment, so do your best to keep it tidy, and to nourish pleasant relationships as well. I love The magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo and The Heart of Love by Dr. John Demartini for relationships.
7. Create winning habits that support your dreams

Our mindset is an habit that we develop over time. It is an attitude. So what you do on a daily basis is what is going to really strengthen your mindset.
From the previous blog post, here is what you can do everyday:
Know that you’re in it for the long haul. Be perseverant with the habits that you build.
Your habits define your destiny. So create winning habits that are congruent with your highest priorities and eliminate habits that don’t serve you.
The best way to do this is to first understand at the root why you have the habits that you have, good or bad, and the benefits that you get from them.
Then link the habits you want to create to what is already important to you and start with baby steps, then increase as you get momentum and strength. Atomic habits by James Clear is a great resource to start creating winning habits and eliminating habits that don’t serve you..
Bonus: Breathe, Meditate, Trust, Love and Receive
Love: All things LOVE. Self love, love of others, do what you love and love what you do. This is the ultimate mindset strengthener and brings us back to gratitude because with love, we are truly grateful for everything.
Meditate: This is in my opinion the most powerful of all the techniques you can use to strengthen your mindset and manifest your dreams and goals. Like I explained in ‘Being Present on the Journey To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals’.
Trust – trust – trust
Trust yourself to do what it take. take responsibility for where you are and create change and momentum by your consistent focused aligned actions.
Trust something bigger than yourself – Trust God/ divine Intelligence and trust the process. Ask your Soul for guidance. Like I said above in the gratitude and balanced mind section, there is a divine order, a divine perfection, a divine intelligence that permeates and orchestrates everything. Who are we not to trust.
Trust the process, be present and enjoy your journey to your biggest dreams and goals. Because no matter if you’re aware of it or not, you’re exactly at the right place, at the right moment and with the right people.
The techniques above applied with focus, dedication and repetition with will help you break free from your limiting beliefs and transform your self image at the level of your subconcious mind. This will enable you to materialize your dreams and goals.
In your heart lies your inner wisdom and it knows exactly what you would absolutely love to do in this life time. Unlock that inner wisdom with courage, gratitude and awareness of the present moment.
Most importantly trust the process no matter how your journey unfolds, you’re exactly at the right place.
Give yourself the gift of cultivating and maintaining a strong mindset on your journey to your biggest dreams and goals.
And give yourself permission to do something extraordinary with your life.
Next we’ll examine how to deal with setbacks