Author Archives: nurturebodyandsoul

Are You Setting SMART Goals To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals? – Are You Setting SMART Goals To Materialize your dreams and Goals?

This is part four of The ‘Materialize Your Dreams and Goals’ Series by Ines Nangue from

Do you have that one goal that will have massive impact on your professional and personal life? 

Let me ask you this question: Is your goal SMART?

The SMART-characteristics below will increase the probability of success of your goal and your sub-goals.

Is your goal Specific

Be precise and clear on what exactly you want? Include as much details as possible because the clearer you are on what you want, the more likely you are to get what you want.

M is for Measurable

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Being Present On The Journey To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals – Being Present On The Journey To Materialize Your Dreams And Goals

This is part three of the ‘Materialize Your Dreams and Goals’ Series by Ines Nangue from Nurture Body and Soul

Being Present To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals, Why?

Being in the present moment helps you not to worry about the future or regret the past: It is also called mindfulness. You put your attention solely in the present moment.

It calms your mind and helps your body to relax. It increases your energy.

In the context of materializing your dreams and goals, it helps you to set goals and not let the outcome determine your state of mind.

Have you ever felt frustrated or discouraged or sad and unhappy because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted after setting and working toward a goal?

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The Power of Focus To Materialize Your Biggest Goals and Dreams – The Power of Focus To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals

This is part two of the ‘Materialize Your Dreams and Goals’ Series by Ines Nangue from Nurture Body and Soul

My heart jumps up and down in excitement and I try to contain myself not to get too elated. I’m so thrilled when I get feedback from my readers, it fills my heart with joy and deep gratitude. 

Last week, one of my readers told me that she loved what I shared in the newsletter for Part 1 of the ‘Materialize Your Dreams and Goals Series’, especially these words which she posted on her instagram (Thanks Nicole) :

Repetition is intentional and helps us to stay on track on the journey to our dreams. 

So let’s recap first. In Part 1, we uncovered 3 secret ingredients to materialize you dreams and goals.

1- We talked about making a long list of things that would be cool to materialize in our life. If you didn’t write it down, then please grab a pen and get going.

2- Then we listed with gratitude, our past accomplishments and all the blessings of our life (people, events, experiences, etc.)

3- finally we asked our soul for guidance to select what’s truly important to us.

Is Your List Exhaustive?

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Secret Ingredients To Materialize Your Biggest Dreams and Goals – Secret Ingredients To Materialize Your Dreams and Goals

While fully enjoying the present moment, it can be hard to realize that our dreams and goals are moments away from us, especially when we feel stuck.

In such cases, going back to the basics can free us from our daily routines, allow us to look at the grand scheme in terms of our life purpose and get our ducks in a row again.

You know, the goals you had at the beginning of the year or the dreams you’ve chosen for your life.

Are you going according to your plan? Or May be you’ve accomplished them already? if so, well done, congrats. Remember to celebrate your progress and your successes along the journey.

If you’re not where you wanted to be, I got you, and each moment is the perfect moment to reassess and correct your course, or to start fresh.

Let’s have fun!

Think about that one thing you always wanted. Or the many things you want for that matter.

Dream just for fun

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Why You’re Already A Leader Even If You Feel Scared and Insecure

You’re Already A Leader –

Here is the thing: it certainly takes practice and continuous growth to be a great leader – as it does to be great at anything.

But despite the fears and insecurities that you may have, you’re already a leader, or at least you already have leadership capabilities and let me show you why.

Do you ever feel like you were born to make a difference? Like something is pulling you to fulfill your destiny? To continue to grow and accomplish something extraordinary with your life? But you feel scared that you won’t be able to do it, that you don’t have what it takes?

Or may be you think that you have no idea what your purpose and mission in life is and you wonder how to find that out? I certainly had times when I felt that way in my life and I understand how it feels.

There Can’t Be Only One Path To Leadership

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If You Ignore These 3 Steps You Might Keep Your Unwanted Emotions

NurtureBodyandsoul – How To Manage Unwanted Emotions

Do you wish you could:

handle every emotional situation with grace all the time and not overreact?

live your life without the emotional rollercoasters and feel only happy all the time?

Do you wish you always had high energy all the time and never felt lows, sadness, anger or discouragement?

Recently, one of my readers asked me: “Inès, how do I take control over my emotions, how do I efficiently manage the lows, those depressed emotional states that often come after the high emotional states? “

Then on another occasion, another reader told me that she was working on gaining more emotional stability.

If you too find yourself challenged by your emotions, I got you, I’ve been there too. And this blog post is for you.

There are 3 simple steps that you can use to deal with your unwanted emotions, no matter what they are.

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10 Simple Things To Do Daily To Improve Your Life

Lasting happiness lies in the things we do on a daily basis. If we habituate our self to do inspiring things, to make healthy choices and to work on our main goals every day, then eventually we create a life and a destiny that we absolutely love.

“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” – John Dryden


The following 10 actions done daily can significantly improve our attitude, our mood, our focus, our relationships, boost our energy and make our purpose in life clearer. They can also help us maintain balance and bring us fulfillment in life.

Let’s dive in. Keep Reading

5 Ways To Transform Your Goals into Achievements

photo by Scott Maxwell CC BY-SA 2.0

photo by Scott Maxwell CC BY-SA 2.0

We all have goals we want to achieve. Sometimes they are resolutions we take at the beginning of the year, other times it’s a milestone we want to reach in a ongoing project, and others times again, it is a dream that we secretly want to see come true.

Who doesn’t love a fresh start?  As a new year begins, we set new goals, we are enthusiastic about them and we think to ourselves: “I can totally do this. This year will be different. This year is THE YEAR”. Right?

But if we don’t focus on our goal and monitor our progress, eventually that enthusiasm fades away as time goes by. At the end of the year, many of our goals haven’t been achieved, and there comes another new year. And the cycle of setting goals and not achieving them starts once again. The New Year resolutions phenomenon. How to break that cycle for good?

In case your goal is not related to new year at all, may be it is just that one dream you have that you’d really love to accomplish, but you just don’t see how to get there. How to finally materialize that dream?

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10 Ways To Renew Inspiration and Deal With Discouragement

Recently I stopped working on my projects for a moment in order to recover fast and completely from a cold I had. After I recovered, I found myself doubting about my projects. Was I going to efficiently accomplish my goals?

For example I doubted if I was helping and inspiring enough people with my blog and I felt discouraged because I was advised to start guest posting on other blogs to drive targeted traffic to my webpage, but I haven’t done any blog posts yet and it kind of makes me feel uncomfortable – Guest posting seems to be essential when it comes to becoming a successful blogger and I feel heavy when it comes that. Because of those doubts, my momentum slowly decreased. I got discouraged. I felt uninspired.

That has inspired me to write and share with you 10 ways how I deal with discouragement in order to feel inspired again.Keep Reading

6 Ways To Take Care of Your Body

Taking care of our body is a continuous process which keeps us fit, healthy and happy. We shouldn’t wait until we get sick before we slow down to take care of our body.

Let us start by being aware of our body right now. Be thankful that we are alive and that we live in our body and decide to take good care of it. Jim Rohn said:

” Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn

To take good care of our body, we have to listen to it and consider the elements which are going to help the body feel good and renew itself: elements such as cultivating health-habits, water and nutrition, rest and sleep, exercise, fresh air, and I will add beautifying the superficial.Keep Reading