Tag Archives: discouragement

10 Ways To Renew Inspiration and Deal With Discouragement

Recently I stopped working on my projects for a moment in order to recover fast and completely from a cold I had. After I recovered, I found myself doubting about my projects. Was I going to efficiently accomplish my goals?

For example I doubted if I was helping and inspiring enough people with my blog and I felt discouraged because I was advised to start guest posting on other blogs to drive targeted traffic to my webpage, but I haven’t done any blog posts yet and it kind of makes me feel uncomfortable – Guest posting seems to be essential when it comes to becoming a successful blogger and I feel heavy when it comes that. Because of those doubts, my momentum slowly decreased. I got discouraged. I felt uninspired.

That has inspired me to write and share with you 10 ways how I deal with discouragement in order to feel inspired again.Keep Reading