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Taking care of our body is a continuous process which keeps us fit, healthy and happy. We shouldn't wait until
These inspiring words of Mahatma Gandhi suggest to me that our habits which are sustained by our actions, do define
Forgiveness often doesn't come to us naturally. Most often the instinctive reaction is to hold grudge or to get even.
Have you ever examined your life and felt that it was out of balance? May be you have many projects
As long as our space and our life is full of things, people and memories we don't want or don't
1. Commit to Take Action Creative potential is in every of us and can help us to accomplish wonderful things
We can show our loyalty towards our friends directly in multiple ways. For example by caring, by being there in
There are many projects that I've started and haven't finished. It doesn't keep me from starting other projects. But somewhere
I got more than what I asked for... When we add intentions to the gratitude practice, we expand from being
What do you expect from life? Financial independence? Great relationships? Health, fitness and vitality? Your own personal definition of success?